Our guests have always loved how cozy our cabin is to stay in. They love the peaceful setting, and also the wonderful valley view from the hot tub on the back deck. Our goal has been to add landscaping and an overhang to make guests feel even more welcome.
We had a team of Amish builders perform the construction. They did such a great job! In addition to the overhang, they also increased the size of the front porch.
When the temperatures got warmer, we spent three days planting landscaping and making it even more beautiful. I also installed our new Lil Red sign out front. We have gotten so many positive comments about how it gives a National Park feel as you drive up to the cabin.
We would love to thank Brick & Batten for their Virtual Exterior Design. It was so helpful visualizing what was possible. Our friend Brian who designed and helped install the landscaping, along with our neighbor Cazzie who put so much time in moving rocks and preparing the landscaping area.
We would love for you to come visit Lil Red and see how wonderful it is in person.